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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's 4:42 am...

I can't sleep much lately, maybe because I spend 90% of my time drooling over food blogs (flogs?) I thought I was going to have a recipe for you guys for some strawberry orange scones (woah delicious) but it was my first time and I decided the recipe needed some re-working. In the meantime if you're dying(sp?) to make some vegan goodies I highly recommend you puruse it's amazing, she will inspire you to do incredible vegan miracles. While I'm at it I'd also like to recommend the book The Skinny Bitch, the book that turned me vegan, I would love to say that it also turned me skinny but I'd be a liar, still an amazing read I guarantee you will never want to put an animal in your mouth again. That's all for now, more recipes to come I pinky promise!

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